Let’s Begin!

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There are some days when being a homeschool mom can be downright lonely. Don’t  get me wrong… time with our kids is so precious with simple joys hidden in the everyday. But there are times when I crave conversation and fellowship with other moms who know what it is like and can relate to the momentous achievement of a child meeting a milestone or simply managing to fold the laundry by the end of the day. Conversations that actually include complete sentences, eye contact, and perhaps even a cup of tea or coffee involved. A break from the routine and demands to reflect, appreciate, and anticipate the next step in the calling of homeschooling. At the end of the day, a request like this often seems more like a pipe dream with schedules being so full and being pulled in a million different directions that all can be justified by some importance. And as amazing as husbands and friends can be, a conversation of Charlotte Mason and curriculum choices isn’t always the highest on their list. That’s what this blog is all about. It is a space for us mamas to take some time out of our hectic lives and demands, and appreciate the journey that God has called us to embark upon. It’s the opportunity to connect with homeschool mamas, nerd out about curriculum, and share our experiences including both the joys and the difficulties. In this space, we will break down curriculum and sift through what learning can look like and decide what fits our families best. There is no one size fits all curriculum… that mama is a fantasy. Nor is there only one correct choice for your family. Choosing curriculum can be overwhelming, especially with such a large task to undertake by yourself at midnight when you are downright exhausted. Let’s simplify the task before us and encourage each other. Welcome to The Curriculum Curator of all things homeschool! I’m so happy you are here!

In His Amazing Grace,


The Curriculum Curator

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